Perseus, and Being it possible there are semi divine humans in the world today?

As I paint my daugter's room and think of the Ancient Greek heroes I have been inspired by Perseus, the son of Zeus and Danae.  So I am going to tell a basic story and let you do the rest of the research on your own.  The room has a medusa's head in an ocean themed room with coral rocks and a surf board lamp.  Its coming along quite well.  This is the same room in my home that ghost faces (pirates of all things) appeared in the window.  I will share the picture below.  Apparently they have some type of message to relate to my readers.  

The symbol of Perseus is the Medusa's head, he was often told not to listen to the fates who spoke of doom, but to listen to the voice of his own conscience.  Perseus' earth father tried to prevent Danae from becoming pregnant under the same circumstances that Zeus suffered from Chronos.   This is the background story.  Unfortunately Zeus disguised came to Danae and impregnated her with Perseus.  The hidden son.  Another hero who was under the guidance of Athena who instructed him how to use the gorgon Medusa's head to defeat the monster and the king who would sacrifice his daughter to the gods.  

Although he was born of a god, he was also human and like Hercules chose to remain among the humans rather than join his family in Olympias.  He was also the rider of the pegasus which can be seen in Giovanni Boccaccio's Genealogy decorum gentilium libra (10.27).  

During Renaissance periods, the greek classics seem to lift their heads and the stories become flesh on dried bones in order to inspire what has been taken from the children in the schools.  Art, humanities, heroes, journeys, missions, the underdog, prayers, magic, science and the stories of monsters, vampires and more.  In order to inspire a rebirth of something classic and to inspire them to overcome the challenges set in their way.  

What better life would you have as a human if you ate chocolate than just celery and carrots?  What is it that moves the endorphins like dolphins in the gray matter of the brain?  Certain not carrots.  The stories deserve to be revisited.  And the children are happiest when told stories of great and ancient feats.  I hope this inspires you to tell them of the semi divine and who knows?  You may just crack a davinci code.  Let's get creative.  Don't forget the next person you meet may be the offspring of Zeus, Poseidon, or Aphrodite.

Pirate ghosts in window


  1. Room looks nice. Love your blog but I think I missed one will have to read it too! Thanks for sending me the link.


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