
I have been looking forward to introducing some of my favorite underworld myths and legends and gods.  Yes, my friend Hades has a nasty reputation but believe it or not his name simply means "the unseen one".  As I study the myths I find that Hades who took care of his people who were sick, dying and a plain old mess; I find him to be a scapegoat more than an evil god.

In my opinion (if you know the background story) I do believe that Persephone wanted to be with Hades where she was the Queen of the Realm.  This is why Zeus allowed her to remain yoked to Hades.  Even the great Hecate (whom even Zeus was jealous of her magic) volunteered to remain in Hades.  And Hermes and Dionysius always come to visit.  Why?  Well I find it acceptable to just be yourself in Hades.  You can indulge pretty much any whim and be covered in secrecy.  Since everyone believes you to be dead.

Sounds like something out of Harry Potter and the cloak of invisibility right?  Or Elijah granting Elisha the mantle (cloak/double portion) with all the blessings of ambrosia and friends.  Its really not so bad.  Let me tell you, we can learn healing arts, magic, speak to the hero's of history and its a place where you can become a hero and save a dead soul.  Many adventures in this Inferno are to be had.
I encourage you all to look beyond the surface and see, really see.  For even Jesus himself speaks of ONE God in the Bible, he says "Yes, Hades is Real."  And I have been told God is like ultimate reality.

I find I know nothing about death but as I study more I find out more about healing and have been blessed in this seemingly hopeless place.  But then again, nothing is as it seems.

Go on your own Grail Quest and comment about what you find.


  1. PS for this one you pack no weight as you descend. So go down and hear it from the source.


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