An exercise of Sacred Space

These are my personal writing lessons for today that were not intended to be shared, however, I think its important to share my values and ethics when it comes to spiritual matters or religion.  My opinion on what comes from my heart and how I personally worship or exercise my faith.  I am going to share with you two places where I felt safe and inspired.  Where I found the freedom to just be myself, despite any other external things happening in my life at the time.  Enjoy the history class and the library.


I loved coming to Western Civilization class at OCU two days a week when I first began college.  Everyday was a fantastic experience and a wonderful setting for learning and inspiration.  I cannot tell you if it was the atmosphere, the teacher, or the subject.  I didn't enjoy the school but loved the class.  The teacher was a phenomena when it came to history, which apparently is an interest we both held in common.  It was an amazing gathering of all things working to the best advantage.  Everyday I woke up on Tuesday and Thursday excited to get to this class.  I love anything that has a story and reflects human life and everyday was a great opportunity to share my opinion and learn others opinions without competing to see who was the best.  Everyone was able to learn because we felt safe sharing our opinions.  We were valued as important and the communication ran along a two way street.  Not one student was ever ridiculed despite their belief, faith, or opinion.  Everyone was confident and safe and the ability to share knowledge and abilities was increased.  I was good at history, but I found that I was also inspired to continue learning more on my own because it was a pleasure.

Professor Adkins loves history as much as I did and his passion for the human story and experience was felt by all of his students.  Even though he is a teacher, the setting for this also makes him a shaman who can create sacred space for healing and learning.  Studying history heals wounds on a large scale and small scale.  He valued every student and shared his passion with all of us.  We were never made to feel judged, but instead encouraged to express ourselves, our learning styles, and we felt safe to disagree with him and each other without violence or loud arguments erupting.  It seemed that we all spoke and we all listened.  A perfect communication is a sacred and spiritual place.  It doesn't need four walls and can occur anywhere anytime.
I was so inspired that I found this class so great, that my only fear in expressing it was that I would be too intense.  After this experience, combined with another great teacher's class, I was equipped with everything I needed to get what I want.  To seek my Ikigai and to live again.  I am thankful for the opportunity to have received this in such a short time.  To find my true heart and a way to express it in my own way and my own time.

The next post will include the space: LIBRARY


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