Monday Morning, November 7, 2016

     Woke up to the Jehovah Witnesses telling me how horrible the world is and how we are all going to hell.  I told them I was not worried and thanks for stopping by.  Why is everyone so worried about the next world when we have enough to do in this one?  Excluding someone is the most unkind thing a person can do.  So they can be unkind because I cannot abide this fatalistic attitude anymore.
     Perhaps THEY need a change of perspective.  When God created humans, the archangel Michael bowed down to God's glory and volunteered to serve those same humans.  At this point, in the beginning, not one human was excluded.  The Universe is simply glad you're here.  Why make this
harder than it has to be with dogma, codes, exclusion and all these fancy things that label us?
     I prefer to be called a Universal human.  I prefer to go about my business during the day and help when and if I can.  I am not above resorting to whatever method will heal you.  Isn't that what true humanism is all about?

     This is the story the God (s) made sure I knew when I ascended and spoke with them.  It is the Universal message, "it is easy to make oneself universal."  Their love for the humans is unconditional and everlasting.
     So as long as there is love in the world it is not ending, at least not today.


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