Hey guess what my life is not perfect. And despite what your blog or Facebook says, neither is yours. Not really

Anyone sick of seeing nothing but how perfectly happy and wonderful people say they are?  They leave out the fact that their tired, wanting to put on pj's and veg out with some bon bond.  My rule of thumb is if it looks that good on the outside, its probably falling apart inside.  Or again just too good to be true.

I have read married folks blogs that make it sound like a honeymoon for 20 years?  Not in my world, that may be possible on Planet X or somewhere but i sincerely doubt its as great as you say.  Or your perfect little children who do nothing wrong ever?  Get a clue.

Oh then you are perfectly ready for heaven?  But if God is ultimate reality, how can you be ready?  Since apparently you never mess up or sin?

I don't want to see pictures of your perfect life.  I want to destroy your perfect life.  I don't want to talk to someone who's princess pampered but cannot overcome an affair let alone a hangnail.  If it did happen they would hide it.

One woman had the audacity to brag she would never get divorced because no-one in her family had ever gotten one.  About the time you state that out loud, its gonna happen.  Murphy's law my dear.

I want to hear how you handle being judged by everyone you meet constantly or how your kids are addicted to drugs or your husband to porn and how your going to deal with it.  Give me some practical wisdom and not a picture of your glass "barbie" dream house.


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