Today is Sunday, November 6, 2016

     What is it about a journal we all love to sneak in and read?  Opening a diary is like opening a window into another persons soul.  The written word is as much an art form as a painters canvas.  A nice addition is the fact it allows the imagination to play and make the images up for itself.   To smell what we imagine the area to smell like, or imagine the idyllic setting for ourselves.    The inspiration is universal, the imagination the individual.  In a journal we get to read, we are the voyeur and creator at the same time.  It may be a true story, but we get to exaggerate and create what we think it would be like.  This is why a journal or diary is so sacred to the reader.

    Today is Sunday.  I woke up at about ten am to an overcast sky in Ocala, Florida.  It is my first fall season in the new state of Florida and I am amazed I can still wear summer clothing in November.  Our average temperature for the last week was about 74 degrees.  We have had very little rain and it is not humid at all.  If I were back in Ohio it would be about 40-50 degrees with wind chill and dead leaves all over the place.  In Florida it feels like a cool summer Ohio day.  The trees and plants are renewing but not fully dead and there are still leaves and blooms all over the landscape.  The scent of the outdoors mixes grilled foods, with nature and green grass.

     I am sitting in my bedroom on my MacBook pro typing and submitting articles for publication, desiring a paid publication more than anything in the world.  As we all know, writers block is so common amongst those of us who are in fear of a blank page and total artistic freedom.  So I crack open a mountain dew and begin my incubation process.  This is what I call the brainstorm phase.  Sometimes it can take days, weeks, months or a year to finish a project.  When it comes together though it is as if fate has stepped in and assisted me with finding the right word, color, form or item to  complete the puzzle.

      My plan for the rest of the day is to relax, watch Lifetime Movies, and enjoy my day of rest.  I don't normally work on Sunday.  However when inspiration strikes, you must move quickly, lest it bite you like a snake.


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