The Election

I didn't write for a couple of days because I wanted to absorb the results of the presidential election.  It did not really matter much to me who won the election.  I am guessing the democrats messed up and the Republicans got the votes because we are frustrated and bored.  As taxes get higher and no real social programs show improvement; one has to ask, what did you do?  NOTHING.

As Socrates said, "the public is not intelligent enough to elect the right person for the position.  They vote for who is most popular."  3000 years later, Socrates has been proven right over and over again by the Americans.  I say how are you free, if you adopted Britain and Rome's taxation program, be you democrat or republican?  Let the other  countries pay for our services.  Then stop letting them come here illegally and lower the taxes on beer, cigarettes and other things.  I also feel legalizing drugs and prostitution could help with the taxes being lowered.  Obviously they are the oldest crimes in the book, including the bible and we can't stop it.  Maybe trying some safety methods and government control in that industry is wise?

As for terrorists, I say the United Nations creates a task force and prison and rounds them up.  And yes, I am all for a camp stay for terrorists.  When you remove a man's pleasures such as women, cigarettes and booze, you  have prime candidates for Osama Bin Laden and other organizations based on slave religions.  If you cannot have pleasures, you blow things up and become suicidal.  Notice I did not say a martyr but a suicidal nut case.  There is a difference.  Gather them up and put them in a block building and barbwire fences until they can behave.  They need to be peaceful or die just as God told King David to do them.  To create peace, they need to learn to love life and its finer things.  A sense of humor would be a divine gift.

In short, I cannot cure all the worlds woe's but I am longing for some peace and less drama from the political arena.  And this is what I believe would be helpful to the American people.


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