Fake it till you make it. (confidence)

     I am not gonna ask what's wrong with confidence.  I am going to give you tips on how to achieve it for yourselves.  Below are the steps to becoming confident.  Lots and lots of practice will help you become a person who knows themselves.

1.  Manage stress by not letting anyone cause you to doubt yourself.
2.  Dress your personal best and follow your intuition, you know how to do this and what is best for you.  Keep up with personal hygiene and good grooming.  That goes without saying.
3.  Do the right thing, no matter what the cost.
4.  Accept compliments graciously.
5.  Take responsibility for educating yourself.  It's okay to say you don't know, but if you know something, take responsibility for it.  You are the only person who can defeat your ignorance.
6.  Always stop to look how far you have come and grown.
7.  Commit to success.
8.  Fake it till you make it.  Never feel ashamed of your body, your personality and know its okay to be human, in fact, its glorious.
9.  If you feel low, pretend to be a greek Goddess.  Eventually this will become a habit and defeat negative self talk.
10.  We are all unique and thats what so wonderful about us all.
11.  Conquer.  Conquer, and conquer some more.
12.  Accept the fear and do it anyway.  Work with it, not against it.
13.  Know thyself.
14.  Stand tall with good posture.
15.  Set small or tiny goals then achieve them one by one, so it becomes second nature.  Then larger goals will be achieved easily.
16.  Focus on the solution, not the problem.  Genius seeks to prevent problems and intelligence seeks to solve them.
17.  `Always have an attitude of gratitude.

Confidence is attractive.  It is a game like golf where you are your only opponent and surrounding yourself with others who are good at it will rub off on you.  Like attracts like is the law.  Comfort will come as you practice these tips and build your foundation on being a confident person.
Good luck and go conquer.


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