Happy Thanksgiving to All my relations: An open letter to angry native americans

I refuse to protest or get angry about past hurts today.  It should and is a day to give thanks and be grateful for the good things we have and that is what I choose to focus on for the holiday.  If forgiveness is divine, how about we try forgiving and reconciliation over protesting and holding a persons fathers sins against them?  Let us move on and reopen those lines of communications.  To heal the land and heal the hearts.  For none is perfect and as Paul said, "we all fall short of the glory of God."  If it is an apology for the sins of our fathers, let me apologize one time and final time.

When your ready, we are here to listen and learn from you.  In the meantime it is my hope that you won't allow the anger to eat you up and prevent you from coming to see the new generation and the surprises they hold in store.  In every people group, there is bad, good and ugly.  There are also those willing to heal the hearts and land so that we may communicate and enjoy each other's company.

This is what divinity does.  It forgives because it is based in love.  This is what our God(s) or Christ himself would want and what he would do.  I cannot change it but I can move forward with you.


Elizabeth Ansel
White woman


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