The library is my personal holy ground and sacred space.  It is the temple where I gather to worship, learn, gain wisdom, sleep, check out community events, buy some books, get music, see art, or take an adventure in a great story.  This is where I meet my God, the great Liberator, what a personal Eros is to me.  This is a love that is a passion for the story of humans, we are not going to speak of romantic eros today.  What do I do in my temple?  This safe space where I can simply be myself, or pretend to be someone else if I wish?

Well, I can read a book or just explore the shelves and stacks for something interesting or striking to me.  When I first enter, I just like to walk around and explore and smell the library.  It is the smell of something old, but something classic, books just have a special scent.  Its like a house of classic belongings that your allowed to borrow any time you want to, as long as you return it.  How neighborly is that?  Most days I am free to take the tour and do whatever I wish.  Special days are reserved for coming in and getting out of the house to write on my laptop in a different environment.

The rules are simple to follow, simply take whatever you want and bring it back before your deadline.  Sometimes you can keep it for nine weeks.  If you don't like what you got, you don't have to read or use it, just simply return it and no questions are asked.  I can choose chemistry, math or biology and study them simply because I want to conquer my ignorance.  I don't do it to impress anyone, or because I like it or I am good at it-I am not.  It is a safe thing to take it and work on it at your own pace without a grade, level, or measuring stick.  Instead your given a magic stick and it will be a pleasure and the conquering of an enemy: your own ignorance.  No-one even knows about it, so you don't have to fear failure.
Privacy of reading it at the library or taking it home is a holy blessing that allows my ninja turtle to go very slowly with some things I prefer to treasure in peace.  The best part of fantasy, adventure and the actual heart of God is a story.  His divine gift is the choice we are given to chose what to hear or not hear.


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